Sunday, January 19, 2014

this is it you fucks,
you cowardly trolls,
this is when you will emerge
the albino pigeon from
legerdemain hands
in velveteen sleeves

this is it you birds,
you flapping indenture,
this is when you slip
from the warlock's white gloved grip
ascending to the rafters
to wait for an open

this is the day you are
sold into a new custody,
your defenestration a contractual
transfer to the
slippery knots
of the sky-

Saturday, January 4, 2014

say goodbye to your 5 day hangover w/

karaoke bloody mary dorm room brunch

sunday  1/5/14   2pm-7pm 

@ Emily's Dorm Room @  Rawson Projects
223 Franklin St, brooklyn

sponsored by Georgi vodka

Friday, January 3, 2014

hardware or tools? (introducing Restoration Hardware Contemporary)

nothing a good pseudonym can't fix up. . .
